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Kids Springtime Fashion with OshKosh B’Gosh

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Kids Springtime fashion is one of the funnest seasons to dress them for.
See how Oshkosh B'Gosh has all the essentials you'll ever need.
Kids Spring Fashion TrendsThis post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of OshKosh B’gosh; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

I love dressing Malakai in dapper clothing – I mean, nothing is cuter than a little boy in suspenders. Am I right?DSC_0662Some of the best fashion I have found for toddlers comes in the form of comfort. Yes people, babies like yoga pants as much as their mamas! But when they make adorable little clothes that average sized people would look ridiculous in – we just have to buy it. DSC_0671DSC_0677These suspenders were by far my favorite find from OshKosh B'gosh and they are now Malakai's Sunday pants. I love that I can pair it with a nice shirt or just a standard polo and it's giving him a new look. Did I mention he loves peanut butter sandwiches? 😉_DSC0807Another style I love are jogger pants. Whether their in Jean form or sweat form, they just look adorable and I can't get enough. Malakai seems to be drawn to them too because he never tries to take them off like other stuff he wears. We paired this pair with a nice henley one-piece and these crib shoes. IMG_3406 DSC_0689Malakai is almost walking and is getting more confident by the day to take off on his own. He loves these crib shoes because he can naturally curve his foot when he's trying to take steps. I love all the designs that OshKosh B'gosh offers. I wish too that I could have gotten him these sandals but that'll just have to wait for now. DSC_0674OshKosh B'gosh is a great brand for kids because they sell practical clothing and stylish clothing. You can find everything you need from affordable comfort to great Sunday clothing and especially holiday clothing.  DSC_0682Now you can save 25% using this Oshkosh Coupon and get your Spring shopping on! Shop online or find your local OshKosh B'gosh store here. 

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