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Make your own Yoga Mat carrier and how to deal with Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is a rough disease to deal with. Find out how I help combat my symptoms and learn how to make this DIY Yoga Mat Carrier.DIY Yoga Mat Carrier for effective ExerciseThis post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support.The best exercise for fibromyalgia

I've had Fibromyalgia for six years now. It first occurred when I was pregnant with my daughter and we flew home from a visit to Tonga in 2009. I just kept having this terrible back pain that would not go away no matter what I did. When I was first diagnosed I had no idea how to react or how to even deal with this disease. There have been things over the years that have helped ease the symptoms but nothing has been more effective than exercising.exercise and fibromyalgiaPain relief is not an easy thing to come by with Fibromyalgia but with the right kind of medications and the right kind of exercise, life can be made a little easier. The hardest part for me to deal with is that I look 100% on the outside but on the inside it feels like my body is on fire. The smallest thing can set my body into a full flare and the weather is usually what does it. Living in Utah has had many ups but the ever-changing weather pattern is not one of them.

One of the best things I've found that helps me with my Fibromyalgia is yoga. It's a light exercise and doesn't use all my energy for the day. For me, when I exercise, I cannot do a vigorous workout. I have to slowly move and slowly add time to my workouts. I can't just go all in at full speed for an hour. For me it's been about a gradual pace and being able to feel successful rather than throw all my eggs into one basket and feel crummy later. DIY Yoga MatWith yoga, you need a mat – and with a mat, you need a carrier. I'm going to show you how to make your own yoga mat carrier.


  • 2 coordinating fabrics at 1/4 yd each
  • sewing machine
  • thread
  • pins or sewing clips

Yoga Mat Carrier DIYI already had this fabric on hand and they were already cut to 2.5″ width so I just sewed them together to make longer strips and then sewed them again down the middle to create a 5″ wide strip. I just used the length of the fabric as a starter and then later cut it down to what length I wanted my yoga mat carrier to be. The length of your yoga mat carrier is completely up to you. The loops will be around 8″ round so just take that into consideration.How to press seams when sewingI like to press my seams to one side when ironing my fabric. I don't like to have them open because I think it leaves a noticeable gap so I try to keep all my seams facing one direction.DIY Yoga Mat CarrierNext you'll pin or clip the ends of the fabric to they meet in the middle, give it a good press and sandwich them together again to create one long strip. Pin or clip on one side so that you can start sewing on the opposite side to hold together your yoga mat carrier.How to use sewing clipsSew along both edges to secure them in place.How to make your own yoga mat carrierNext is the tricky part. I'm going to do my best to explain but it can be a little complicated. Go ahead and lay out your strip of fabric in one long piece. Take one end and begin pulling it up and then go down placing the end piece below the longer strip. It'll and up looking like a sideways 4. Take the end of the piece and fold over a hem and clip your fabric above the strip. This ends up forming a loop that the yoga mat can slide in and out to sew cottonhow to make your own yoga matSew a reinforced square over the area that you clipped and repeat these steps for the next side. Once both sides are sewn, your ready to place your yoga mat in there and head off to the mat carrierI've talked a lot about finding the balance in Fibromyalgia with exercise and medicine. An effective medicine that I have found is Curamin® Stop Pain Now and is available at fine health food stores nationwide. Check out the store locator to find a retailer near you or purchase it here. It is safe, effective and non-addictive which is important in finding a medication that'll help you combat chronic pain. Chronic pain isn't something that is solved overnight and it's not something most people can understand unless they've been experiencing the same thing. Curamin® doesn't just mask pain, it gets to the source and stops it.For me, finding balance was the hardest part of Fibromyalgia. There are so many great resources to help you find what helps others but it's also important to find out what works for you. I'm able to exercise continually because I have learned when my body has had enough and I've had a lot of trial and error with multiple medications. Natural is always best in my book but you know your body best and you know what it needs. Find a great doctor that will listen to your concerns and if you feel like you're not being heard – chances are, you're not.

I'd love to help you more in your chronic pain. What are some questions you have for me?

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  1. Angel says

    Hi Lindsay, I started practicing yoga do help me with my back pain. And I must say it helped me a lot. A love when I find good DIY post and this one is great. I think I’m gonna try to make my own carrier. Do you think it could be made without sewing machine? Angel

    • Lindsay says

      You could do some whipstitching along the edges and it should work just fine or buy the heat n bond and you can fuse the fabric together. I like that idea better! Thanks for reading!

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