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2014 has been a great year!

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What can I say, 2014 has probably been the most special year in my professional career ever! It's really given me an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and go for goals that I never really thought I could accomplish or never really had ambition to finish before.

So 2014 was the giant step I took in fulfilling the dream I had in starting my blog and you, the readers, have made it possible for it to be successful by coming back time and time again! I couldn't do it without you and I love you all for it, THANK YOU! I put together this post to show you my Top 10 list from the past year of my popular post. Enjoy!

I hope you love these projects and I have some exciting things planned for 2015. I can't wait to share with you some home projects and some more DIY projects! Let me know what you want to see from me and I'll work my magic.

XOXO, Lindsay


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