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Easy DIY Rice Heating Pad for Cramps or Back Pain

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Add this simple Rice Heating Pad to your companion list on those cold winter nights. Warm these DIY heating pads in the microwave and simply reuse them for whenever you need a heating pad that doesn't use electricity.

rice heating pad

Can I make a Heating Pad with Rice?

Absolutely. You can easily make a rice heating pad with items you already have on-hand. You don't need to be a seamstress or someone too familiar with sewing to get this right. If you don't have a sewing machine, go ahead and use the Heat n' Bond tape around all your edges.

What are the uses for a Rice Heating Pad?

Just this past week I got a call from my oldest son that he had thrown out his back. This was like Deja Vu to the time when I started getting back pain when I was younger. He said he twisted to stretch his back and it just gave out on him.

He had the hardest time in the car on the drive to take him home. I gave him some Aleve Back & Muscle Pain that I had on hand and told him to go lay flat on the floor on his back with this DIY Rice Heating Pad. 

I started getting back pain around age 13. I’ve seen specialists, physical therapists, alternative medicine doctors all to try and get my spine to act the way it’s supposed to act. I still have good days and bad but, taking Aleve Back & Muscle Pain when I have a flare can help neutralize the pain that my back causes me.

I know this is the same route my oldest son is headed. It’s a good thing for me as a mother to have experienced this same issue so that I can assist him in him finding what medicines and routines work for his own back pain.

I know that for him and I, heat works the best to help calm down the back and muscle pain. Find what works best for you and if ice is better for you, do that in conjunction with some OTC medication or prescribed medication.

supplies for your DIY Heating Pad



buffalo check flannel pouches filled with rice

I’ve decided to make us some rice-filled heating pads that will warm up in a few minutes and can be taken with you wherever you may be.

How do you make a Rice Heating Pad?

To make your DIY rice heating pad, you’re going to need a few things. I used my Cricut to cut the flannel but you can just use a rotary cutter if you do not own a special crafting tool.  I’ve included the special file for the rice heating pads that you can cut with your electronic cutter or just cut your fabric to be 8”X11”. 

how to put fabric on the Cricut mat
remove fabric from Cricut mat
matching seams of fabric

You’ll lay right sides together and sew a ¼” seam around the edges. Reinforce your first and last stitch so that the fabric won’t unravel as you add your rice. Leave a 3-4” opening at the top.

turning fabric pouch ride side out

Grab a small plastic or paper cup and remove the bottom so that this will act as a funnel for your rice in your rice heating pad. Fill your DIY rice heating pad with the rice and then use some Heat n’ Bond tape to seal the edges.

You can topstitch if you’d like but that’s just one extra step for me. Use your iron to seal the edges by pressing for about 30 seconds. 

sealing flannel fabric together

That’s it for automatic relief and it’s inexpensive. Heating pads at the store have cost me upwards of $30 and so if I can make this for pennies, why not you either?

diy rice heating pad

How long do you heat a rice heating pad?

Start heating your rice-filled heating pad at one minute. Two minutes in the microwave if you want your DIY rice heating pad to be extra warm. Keep an eye on your heating pad so that it doesn’t smoke. Just warm your heating pad at one-minute intervals in the microwave.

Just warm these homemade rice heating pads in the microwave and it will retain its heat for around 15 minutes. That’s the perfect amount of time for heat therapy that works for me.

Making this homemade heat pack is so easy and you'll be on your way to an all-natural health kick. Turn this into an aromatherapy heating pad by using a few drops of essential oils.

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