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DIY Festivus Aluminum Pole & Human Fund Donation Printable

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If you love Seinfeld, you love the idea of Festivus. George Costanza's famous Festivus gift is something you can pass on with this Human Fund Donation printable. Add a mini Festivus aluminum pole to add to the festivities. 

human fund donation printable

It's a Festivus miracle that we've made these George Costanza inspired Human Fund Donation Printable! Festivus is on December 23rd and if you don't know, it's a fake holiday that George Costanza's dad made up. 

festivus free printable

how to make pvc look like aluminum

Instead of a tree, they have an aluminum pole but I didn't want to just give someone an aluminum pole. I don't even know where I'd go to find one that was 8″ and if I can make one out of PVC for pennies, I'm going to do it this way.

Begin by buying a 1/2″ piece of PVC pipe and then cut it into 8″ sections while you're at the hardware store. Buy some 1/2″ end caps and place them on each end of the piping.

Use some black craft paint first and just throw it on there. Try to cover up most of the white while you're doing this step though.

paint pvc

Next, add some of the grey paint and be a bit more sloppy on this layer than you were on the black layer.

how to paint pvc
make pvc look like aluminum

Lastly, I added some white and really did a dry brush technique with this color.  Set it aside and allow it to dry. Print out the Human Fund Donation Certificate and then cut it into 5×4″ rectangles. Use a small hole punch and some black twine to attach your Festivus printable to your pole.

how to attach your human fund donation card

It's a no-brainer here. Just use a hole punch and some twine to attach your Human Fund Donation printable to the faux aluminum pole.

human fund printable

To make your own International Woman's Day reverse canvas, click here.

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