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Funny Free Cabin Printable Artwork – Lloyd Christmas Quote

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Create the funnest camping trip with these free camping printables. This free Cabin Printable is the perfect decor for any space and you can make it in any size.

free cabin printable

So with Totally Free SVG's being such a success, we decided to make printables for you all now to! This month's theme for #TotallyFreePrintables is camping/road trips. I have always hated camping in a tent, I'm a cabin kind of girl. So I figured this classic Lloyd Christmas quote would be perfect for decor for any cabin.

Supplies for your Cabin Printable

How to Create Your Printable

  1. Create Engineered Print

    Send the image digitally to your printer preference. This can be done at any big box office store or local copy shop. They usually run around $5 for a large engineer print.

  2. Create Your Frame

    Figure out the size you'll need and make your frame using Kim's tutorial above for the wooden frame.

  3. Hang Your Print

    Hang your free cabin print wherever your heart desires.

Where can I get more free road trip printables?

free road trip printable

We love making these available for free for you all each month so all we ask for in return is to use these images for personal use only. If you need a commercial license for any of these, just contact me.

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