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Harry Potter Birthday Party Invitation

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Harry Potter birthday invitations made fancySo Malakai's first birthday is coming up on the 30th so I found the perfect Snitch invitations to go along with theme of his birthday which is “The Boy Who Lived”. Harry Potter birthday invitations made fancyHe was Harry Potter for his first Halloween so I thought it was only fitting to find him a Harry Potter birthday party invitation. I don't have time to make them so I ordered some for pictures and props and everyone else just gets an e-vite. 😉Harry Potter birthday invitations made fancyI found the Harry Potter birthday party invitation on Etsy and you can buy them HERE because they're awesome!Harry Potter birthday invitations made fancyYou just slam them down to crack and they reveal the invite of the Harry Potter Birthday Party Invitation for Malakai's first birthday party. So excited.Harry Potter birthday invitation made fancyAnd if you're headed to Universal Studios any time soon, book with Get Away Today.

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