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How to create your own felt play money with your Cricut Explore

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Learn how easy it is to create felt play money using your Cricut Explore. It's a lot easier than you think!Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut ExploreThis post contains affiliate links. Thank you to Cricut for sponsoring this post.Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore

This felt play money was so easy to make. It is a little time consuming but I know it'll last throughout the years which is perfect for play-time!


First, use your Heat-n-Bond and iron it on to your felt. This just gives the felt more of a stabilizer and it makes the money thicker by having two layers ironed together. Next, lay your felt on your cutting mat and cut your images. I've included everything in the one cut file for ease. To select certain shapes to be cut, just click on the eye that is to the right of the image in your layer section. It'll hide and show the images you want to be cutting. Just play around and you'll get the hang of it.

Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut ExploreWeed out the foil using your weeding tool or an x-acto knife. You want to remove whatever part of the image you don't want. Be sure to leave whatever you do want on the clear plastic sheet. This will make transferring your image so much easier.
Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut ExplorePlace your felt pieces together and add on your iron-on. I use this method for my ironing. It helps the image really stay and I don't have any images lifting afterwards.
Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore Be sure not to use steam because it'll create bubbles in your image. Now that you have one side adhered, flip it over and use the second image. If you use the heat-n-bond and don't sandwich the felt together, your felt will stick to the surface you're ironing on. It'll also make it harder to make your play money double sided.Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore I added the Lincoln and Washington faces to their respected ‘coins' and I used the same method I did for the dollar bills. Just be a little extra careful because the images are small and you can burn yourself on the iron. I didn't worry about being sure my faces faced the right way on both sides of the coin but you can if you'd like.
Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut ExploreI grabbed the girls this cute register from Ikea and now they can play McDonald's anytime they want. My mom has some mini windows in her area under the stairs so the girls are always playing drive-thru. Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore This play money is so sturdy and will last a long time. If I didn't worry about quality, I could have easily bought the paper play money but I want the kids to have this for a long time so I took the extra effort and created it in sturdy felt.Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore The foil iron-on is so awesome too. I've been wanting Cricut to come up with a true gold and silver metallic iron-on and this foil one lives up to all the expectations. Remove after you've allowed the iron-on to cool for a minute.Learn how to make your own felt play money using your Cricut Explore

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  1. Brittany Wise says

    Ohmigosh, this is adorable! I could see my own kids loving their own play money. If this means I have to buy a Cricut, we’ll I guess I will ?? Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jessica says

    Is this cut file still available? When I click on the “Cut File” in the list it takes me to Cricut design space but it’s a blank canvas. Am I doing something wrong?

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